Monday, September 29, 2008

Food Preservation

We all want to preserve foods in whatever way we want. But why do we preserve food? How important it is to preserve food?

We preserve food for future consumption by preventing it from spoilage. It saves time, energy and money. Just think of the savings that come with drying and canning foods at the height of the season. It also enables us to eat foods even when they‘re not in season because foods are made available anytime of the year.

In food preservation, you can prevent spoilage and retain the nutritive value, the natural colors and quality of foods. It enables the family to have additional income by selling preserves or dried foods.

Foods that can be preserved are fruits like mango, guava, pineapple, strawberry, orange and jackfruit; vegetables like papaya, chayote, ube, etc. Fish and meats can also be preserved.

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